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Social responsibility

We believe that each of us, company or person, has the duty to get involved in society and contribute to its development as a whole by supporting those for whom a helping hand represents a chance to evolve, both from a personal point of view, as well as professional.

Social responsibility of Safetech Innovations

Since the beginning of Safetech Innovations, social responsibility has been one of our concerns, so we have been involved in initiatives relevant to the goals we have in the social sphere and the field in which we operate. Over time, we have supported people around us who need help, as well as initiatives that contribute to the development of the field of cyber security.

Involvement in society is one of the pillars of our CSR activity. Unfortunately, there are many cases in society that require special services, located outside conventional medical treatments, and the help we offer contributes to a certain extent to improving the situation of disadvantaged people. In this sense, we support "La Dorna Nouă Ne Pasă" Association, an occupational therapy center dedicated to people with special needs. Through this type of therapy, these people can develop or recover skills needed to carry out daily activities as independently as possible.

Education is at the core of what we do because cybersecurity is a continuously learning industry. The support we direct to this area represents an investment in future generations of information security specialists, who will contribute to the development of this field in Romania. We are aware of the importance of putting into practice the notions learned during the university studies in acquiring professional skills. This process benefits both parties involved: on the one hand, future employees, who will already have a solid knowledge base, which can accelerate their professional development, and on the other hand, companies, who will benefit from trained young people who will be integrated much easier in the organizational structure.

One of the initiatives we support in the field of education is the CTF-USV (Capture the Flag) competition, organized within the "Ștefan cel Mare" University in Suceava. This is dedicated to students from Romania and abroad and consists in solving a number of cyber security problems at the level of some web applications. Safetech has been one of the co-organizers of the event in each of the seven editions of the competition, the most recent taking place in 2022.

Another important project that we carried out was the "Centre of Excellence for Cybersecurity and Resilience of Critical Infrastructures (SafePIC)", in partnership with the National Defense University "Carol I" and the National Research and Development Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering "Horia Hulubei". The purpose of this project was to increase Safetech's ability to contribute to the development of innovative solutions, products and services in the field of cyber security, interoperability and cyber protection of critical infrastructures based on a research partnership with the two prestigious educational and research institutions. The project was carried out between 2020 and 2023.

Also, in the field of education, we supported as a sponsor various scientific conferences organized by the "Carol I" National Defense University and the "Danubius" University in Galati, such as the "European Integration - Realities and Perspectives" International Conference (17 editions -th and 18th).

responsabilitate sociala, social responsibility, CSR