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Cyber security training – a must for ensuring the security of the organization

Cyber security training – a must for ensuring the security of the organization

In the context of the rapid growth and diversification of computer attacks, an untrained and uninformed personnel puts any organization at risk. For this reason, more and more companies are now turning to cyber security training for their staff.

The reason is obvious – the low level of employee training makes them vulnerable to sophisticated phishing attacks, automated hacking tools or AI-based social engineering techniques. As proof, almost three quarters (74%*) of the IT security breaches recorded in 2023 were based on the human factor. Moreover, poor user education regarding cyber hygiene is also shown as a cause in the more than 80 advanced analyzes for critical security incidents conducted by Safetech in 2023. Details in the article: Essential recommendations for successfully preventing a cyber security incident.

In addition, the obligation to perform employee cyber security training is an explicit requirement of regulations such as the NIS Directive or the ISO 27001 standard.

How can you act for educating and training your employees?

With a proper and systematic training program, organizations will lessen this risk factor, bringing it under control.

The first step in the action plan is to ensure that your employees are aware of the cyber threats to which they are exposed and which the organization faces. For this, it is necessary to clearly communicate, at the level of the entire organization, the existing security risks, but also the damages that can be generated by their exploitation.

In addition, you must continuously update the information provided to your staff regarding new types of attacks, malware, phishing attempts, etc., as they arise, and recommended prevention or avoidance solutions.

However, the theoretical approach is not enough. To acquire the necessary skills, your employees need repeated simulation exercises built on real cyber attack scenarios. Periodic testing is critical so that the personnel can become familiar with identifying types of threats and appropriate response methods. Training exercises are mandatory, and for this your IT security professionals must be able to simulate cyber attacks as realistically as possible on all departments. The analysis of the results allows the identification of the weak points, respectively the areas in which it is necessary to insist. With the help of simulations you can identify:

  • The staff who are still unable to apply the appropriate detection and response methods, to whom you will provide the necessary cyber security training,
  • The departments and/or categories of employees that need changes in training methods,
  • The deficiencies of the test scenarios, but also the errors or omissions of the existing security policies,
  • The level of compliance with the applicable regulations.

The results must be communicated to the end users, to increase their awareness and involvement in the training process. But be careful – the process must be two-way. You need feedback from your staff, to identify existing ambiguities and adjust training procedures according to emerging requirements.

For optimal results, it is recommended that you pursue cybersecurity education early on for new hires. By communicating early the fact that IT protection is a shared responsibility within the organization, the security procedures and policies, and the methods of responding to threats, both the awareness and training process is facilitated.

Last but not least, the assumption of cyber security at the level of the organizational culture is a key element. This requires the active involvement of top and operational management in the mentioned processes.

cyber security training, cursuri de securitate cibernetică

The advantage of collaborating with cyber security training providers

For companies without solid experience in IT security or with insufficient specialized staff, achieving the described requirements is difficult. The continuous selection of the relevant content, the organization and delivery of the training sessions, the testing activities and the application of corrective measures following the tests require a recurring effort from a specialized staff. In addition, the training process does not only involve passive information transfer, but also has a practical component, essential for creating and updating the skills needed by employees.

A concrete example – according to data from the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), 90% of successful cyber attacks start with an email phishing attempt. Phishing is the most common form of IT threat also in Romania, where the National Cyber Security Directorate issues numerous warnings in this regard. The main problem with attacks of this type is that they are becoming increasingly difficult to identify, especially since recently cyber attackers have started to use artificial intelligence to create the most credible messages.

In such cases, many companies that rely only on the expertise of their own IT department are at a disadvantage. Phishing campaigns evolve rapidly, and adapting simulation scenarios and response methods requires advanced skills and solid IT security experience, as well as dedicated tools. The services of specialized cyber security training providers can compensate for the shortcomings highlighted above. By cooperating with them, organizations benefit from a proactive approach to risk and improved responsiveness through simulations built on real, current threats.

These elements are fully covered by Safetech Innovations, in its role of cyber security training provider. We offer advanced services of recurrent staff training for detecting and reacting to phishing attempts. Safetech is an authorized distributor of Phriendly Phishing, a leader in this area. Our specialists thus use state-of-the-art training and knowledge verification technologies in cyber security, as well as phishing simulations that are regularly updated in accordance with developments observed worldwide. The customer can adjust its training plan by creating a program built around its own needs. This includes training sessions alternated with simulation campaigns and, depending on the results of each campaign, employees receive email invitations to participate in training elements specifically designed to deal with the situations they did not solved optimally. The Phriendly Phishing platform provides real-time detailed information about ongoing and planned activities, campaign results, training programs etc. Safetech can carry out the configuration of the simulation campaigns and the creation of customized scenarios, based on the client’s requirements and the experience gained from the campaigns organized to date.

Extensive offer of IT security training services

Even though it is prevalent, phishing is not the only type of threat that organizations face. Safetech provides a wide range of cyber security courses for employees. They cover topical requirements such as:

  • Digital identity protection,
  • Use of passwords,
  • The use of multi-factor authentication,
  • Online security,
  • Cloud security,
  • Email security,
  • Security at the workplace,
  • Sensitive information management,
  • BYOD strategies,
  • Remote work,
  • Ensuring the security of the endpoint devices,
  • Detection and blocking of security incidents etc.

A full list of courses delivered by Safetech is available on the company cyber security training services page.

Safetech's cybersecurity training courses have content created based on the company's experience, accumulated over 12 years of activity and over 600 completed projects in the field of security testing and consulting in a variety of industries (banking and insurance, energy , public utilities, government and public institutions, health, industrial production, retail, pharma).

Safetech collaborates with university teaching staff to prepare and deliver its training courses, and also with established providers in this area, such as Phriendly Phishing.

Employee cyber security training plays a critical role for the operations of any company. Early detection and prevention of cyber threats to end users substantially reduces security risks throughout the organization and ensures compliance with the applicable legal regulations and with the standards assumed.

For more information about Safetech Innovations services, practical demonstrations and commercial offers, we invite you to contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at +40 21 3160565.


* – 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report